The Bookshop on the Corner

Alright, I am finally back after like two and a half months of being awol. Again I am really sorry I didn’t pick up and continue where I said I would. It was hard to find inspiration for a while after my grandma passed away. But I am back and I have a few things written and a few things started to give me the jump I need to push forward and keep writing what I love! After all I know my grandma wouldn’t want me to stop doing what I love to do just because she is gone, so here I am moving forward and continuing to post.

At this point to be honest I don’t really remember my inspiration for this little flash fiction/ short story. But what I can tell you is that I was intending for this story to be a stand alone project but a friend of mine who helped proof read it for me, told me she loved it so much that she wanted to see a sequel for it, so I guess there is that to look forward to if you also enjoy this story as much as she did. And of course as this looks like a story just about a possible budding friendship, but I throw in a little something extra at the end that will probably be seen in most of my writings… I just can’t seem to stay away from it! I guess we shall see if you pick up on it and can tell what always seem to come back to within my own writing. Comment at the bottom of the story whether you have figured it out; I’m sure you will! 😉